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FOOD MEMORIES: Some Halloween Candy

Fun Sized Chocolate Memories

Dear Foodie Fam,

Dutch and I scoured the local Rite Aid, Walmart and CVS but could NOT find leftover Halloween candy… until we reached Safeway. Jackpot!

We got a 170 piece pack with the following:

  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

  • Whoopers

  • Krackel

  • Kit Kat

  • Heath

  • Milk Duds

Thought I’d do a fun little blog about my candy memories!


As a kid, I hated peanut butter. Spending many middle school Sundays eating peanuts on my vermicelli bowls (Bun This Nuong Cha Gio) turned me on to peanuts as a supporting flavor. In my freshman year of high school, I started eating Reese’s peanut butter cups religiously! I vividly remembering deciding I wanted to try what chocolate tasted like with peanut butter and in no time, I was hooked. I found myself grabbing a Reese’s (or a box of Nerds) from the student store at lunch, every day! To now, the texture and taste brings me back to freshmen Honors classes. I credit Reese’s for my current love for peanut butter.


When I was around four years old and mom worked in San Francisco, she started bringing me two things when she came home from work every evening: Whoppers and illustrative children’s library books. Today, I am in love with books and libraries. I’m also an illustrator. And maybe those boxes of Whoppers… maybe crunching into that milky shell and sucking on the malty guts while pouring over those books… is why I associate such great feelings with books and illustration.


I was a preteen when I had my first Krackel. I was shook! They were like a thicker, a bit less crisp version of the Crunch bar. And Crunch is my all time favorite chocolate bar. Ever. So they are a good substitute for me. For me: It’s one of those things that reminds you of what you really want in life but you take anyway when it’s given..?

Kit Kat

Wasn’t a fan of these until I hit college! For some reason, it’s like something clicked in college. I started liking and craving things I hated as a kid. Kit Kats were definitely on that list of things I suddenly started loving. I think the only times I had Kit Kats as a kid were spoiled because the whole thing was you had to share it! You had to break off a piece and my brother would get his tax. (I guess I was a selfish kid!) Back then, I was fed lots of wafer-y snacks. I was sick of wafery snacks… Lo and behold that now, watery/creamy snacks are a huge weakness for me. I try every Kit Kat flavor I can find. My fave Kit Kat is the matcha Kit Kat.


I have always found these too sweet. I took acting classes with a guy named Heath and I immediately found him “too much” because of his name. I admit this and I’m not proud of my unfair judgement! I’m sure he was a “sweet” guy.

Milk Duds

I only eat these because I want chocolate and they’re what I have to work with... I always know I won’t like the experience. And yet… I always go for it… thinking “this time will be different.” Nope. Never different. Always consistent: Not chocolatey enough- tastes more Vanilla-y than I want (duh, “milk” duds)… and… Hell on my teeth.

What Halloween memories do fun or party sized chocolates stir up for you?

Hope your Halloween was great!