
Hey, Foodie Fam!

Welcome to my “Dear Foodie Fam" blog! I'm Dixie! My love language is food and I like to share it with my hubby, my family and friends new and old!Can't wait to share my voyages with you, too!

TOURING EGYPT: Last night in Luxor

TOURING EGYPT: Last night in Luxor

Dear Foodie Fam,

I'm a SUCKER for Luxor kids!

The ones near our hotel always ran up and said hi to us! Some of the shier ones were told to by their moms who sat by, some of them keeping shop.

Kids aren't as friendly ANYWHERE in the world I've EVER been to than in EGYPT! No children have taken such part in their community as to make me feel SO welcome than Egyptian children. I just wanted to pinch their sweet faces!!!

...Instead, I settled with spending our last Egyptian pounds (we were headed to Greece) on chocolate and passed them out (yes, I asked parents, first!)... Promise I wasn't kidnapping any of them. PROMISE!

I can still hear their voices echoing, "Wahid, itneen... TALATAH!" (In Arabic: "1, 2... 3!")... holding hands, jumping off some low rocks and gigigling together as their parents looked on and talked to each other in the shade.

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Now, check out our last view of Luxor.

This view was stunning...! El Qorn (القرن), “The Horn" is the highest point in the Theban Hills (Luxor, West Bank) and marks the area where the Valley of the Kings and the Mortuary temple of Hathshepsut are. We had just been there seeing all that wonderful history.

If you missed that post, check it out, here.

You can see this beautiful view from the rooftop terrace of Hotel Sheherezade all lit up!

LAYOVER: Athens, Greece.

LAYOVER: Athens, Greece.

TOURING EGYPT: Hotel Sheherazade

TOURING EGYPT: Hotel Sheherazade