Deets On Eats

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"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day." Van Gogh

Oh, how I agree! Van Gogh painted the Starry Night and we painted the town! You learn lots about a new city when it's in slumber and you're getting moonLIT.

  • If you don’t feel like hitting the super popular Koo Klub, wandering is it’s own thrill. One may feel like a cool poet wandering new streets at night alone but that may get dangerous or lonely. Bring chill people! Make unique memories! Own the streets!

  • Expect to dominate every photo opp. everywhere! Bring a camera with high sensitivity to light for STUNNING photos. If you're cool with it, bring a tripod and shutter release for the highest clarity. (We didn't bother to do this, opting for the freedom of spontaneity).

  • Know your way back to the hotel beforehand. Though exploring buzzed is fun, in most cases, it's not wise to be THAT billigerent tourist walking the streets at night.

  • In Santorini, you may only share the streets with local cats. They're like Cairo or Turkey cats- rarely owned but well tended by locals. When the moonlit winding, tiny streets of Europe are empty, you can easily spot places you want to visit in the daytime and learn the lay of the land.

  • Same with dogs! And these dogs are big!